venerdì 17 giugno 2016


From 1 April to 25 September 2016 is staging one of the most complete exhibitions of photographs of the great Steve McCurry. The exhibition takes place in the Reggia di Venaria, near Turin, in Italy, and has 250 of the most famous photographs of the artist, but also new ones and not yet published. The exhibition is staged in the grand Citroniera of Juvarriane Stables, which on this occasion is decorated with a series of white sheets, hanging from the ceiling, where the many photographs are attached. Walking through the gallery you have the sensation of traveling in India, Africa, Cuba, United States, Brazil (and not only) together with McCurry, who gives us a faithful portrait of the modern world. His bright colorful and intense images tell us about the transitions and transformations lived in countries very far away from us, but also their culture, their way of life and their simple daily life. But occasionally McCurry also moves in the Western world, and he does so primarily by telling the tragic events of the Twin Towers that the photographer lived closely. Finally the artist has also been enchanted by Italy and gives us some great pictures of Venice. But one of the most exciting moments is certainly being in front of the portrait that made him famous all over the world, that of Sharbat Gula, the girl with piercing and intense eyes and the orange veil, who Steve McCurry went to look again in 2002 to make her aware of her immense fame.


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